The Akron Beacon Journal from Akron, Ohio (2024)

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1943 'AKRON BEACON JOURNAL' THIRTEEN 74 WANTED TO RENT SJ-HOME FURNISHINGS 90 SEWING MACHINES ti HOME FURNISHINGS DISHES, glassware, cooking utensils. Dinner seta 59 up. Largest selection In the city at bargain prices. OHIO CHINA CO. 8 Howard.

Monday to I p. FR-5517 MAH667aN DININO ROOM SUrTErYi--" Irs large bed davenport. Desk table with shelves WA-8883. FURNISHED BOOMS tARROLL iOi. comfortable sleep.

ln room in private family; refer- enees: close twwn. CROSBY ST. 660 West, large, comfortable, well furnished, rirrn front room for deik; lnnerspring. HE- 1141. CTJYAHOOA FALLS Large front ileep-ln( room; ner two but linen; adult home.

WA-18M. ClTNTRAL Close Town. Large front, at-tractive room, lnnerspring: large or wdulta. HE-9038. CUYAHOGA FALLS, 3C23 sleeping rooms, lnnerspring.

WA-367, Call mornlngi or all day Sun-dav. EDGE 959- Bleeping" room for two girls: uit of kitchen, near 3 busses. HE-40S3. OOODYEAR'Il VD 47 f.HeepTng Toom-on but line, near Goodyear. 8T-1847 EORG IA AVlO4Sinle and double-bfdrootm lor gentlemen: 8.

Arllng- 'on bui: near Goodyear. PA-5479. OObDYEAR "hEIOHTS," 218 Bowmanvllle ileeping room for 1 or 3 gentle-meni adull family: HE-9687. DROVE ST. 307 Large" Ing room; walk Goodrich; close busses and restaurants.

BALLTE 644 Nicely furnlTned-sleeping room lor girls lnnerspring; bus; $5 week. BL-2903 816 three furnished rooms suitable por 3 adults IRENE room for girls: near Goodyear and Aircraft. 8T-3024. KLINO 8t474Frontbedroom. share-With another girl: kitchen Close bus.

BL-1468 KEN MORE, 3187 Seventh st house from car line. Men only. Sleeping room. LAKEMONT 24, nicely fur nished rooms, private entrance, seml- privaie bath, bus. MAY, 709 Large front sleeping room.

suitable for 2 men: lnnerspring; close Goodrich, Firestone. BL-4351 mSll 395 Comfortable room lor gentleman: use of phone; garage; near Ooodyear; references. HE-0769 MOGADORE s'lii, to Gen eral and Ooodvear: pleasant Bleeping room for 1 girls, morning shift. 8T-3514. MARKET, 871 Nice pleasant warm" sleeping room, private home: gentle-man: walk Ooodyear.

JE-7045. MILLER AV.7 JOSNIci sleTplrig" room; girls preferred; cooking and laundry privileges. NASH 480 Large front sleeping" room, employed couple or 3 gentlemen: private entrance; close bus. HE-8148. NORTH HILL Two rooms; use of kitchen and phone; 2 girls for each room; references.

JE-R143. NOAH 448 Pleasant room for gentleman. In good home, adult family, shower. BL-7898 NORTH HILL, bedroom, prlva'e en-trance: gentleman employed days; near bus; references. HE-779S room, tain beds, laundry, home privileges; garage; Firestone; prefer eouple.

RHODES" A vT803 Beautiful sleeping-" room; lnnerspring; near bus line. Use of telephone: couple or 3 girls RENTSCHLER- 505. pleasant room, for" gentleman or couple; draft exempt; FR-6259. SCvUTH" sleeping room for one gentleman: near South End factories. BL-7295.

SUMMrrLAKE 1608 warm well-furnished room: adult home; phone. References After 1 m. WABASH. 814 Sleeping room for 3 girls or couple; near Goodrich and bus. WILBETH RD S18.

sleeping room for 1 or 3 gentlemen: near Firestone and Aircraft. PA-4937. WEST Close to town and Goodrich. One room, with 2 double beds, privileges, men. JE-5785.

wTsHfNGTON8TT room for 2 girls: 8 minutes to Grant st. bus. HE-4781. WALNUT. "tT7 44 Nice front room, 6 minutes walk to town, block from St.

Vincent for couple WEST HILLLarge room: private home: shower; Inner-spring: gentlemen only. UN-8030. WEST. 40MtT View" av front room, adult home: close bus. restaurants: gentleman only.

HE-B562 WOODWARD. 1281. North, pleasant room, adult home; fine location, near bus WA-2871 60 UNFURNISHED ROOMS GRANT 8T 804 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, GARAGE ADULTS ONLY TWO ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, lavatory; cooking privileges: near Seiberltng Rubber. after 4 61 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING SUITES BISHOP, 456 One gentleman; prefer If 7 POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 40 PALMETTO RED POTXETsT WEIGHT 3 LB8 $1 35 XACR CALL WA-4754 POULTRY FEED YELLOW CREEK MILLS PHONE 818-3411, GHENT. O.

98 DOGS, BIRDS, PITS, ETC. A-l HOUND DOO, excellent hunter, good stock, 1 years old. 123. Call HE-2055 after 8. BLACK co*ckER SPANIEL, female, 7 months old, A C.

registered; 825. JE-0878 co*ckER, SPANIEL PUPPIES A K.CT registered. Will hold till Chrlstmaa. Mrs. K.

L. Hsmmond, 8T-5937. BUY A CANARY for" Christmas; guarn-" teed singers. 1001 Frederick blvd, one block south of Copiey yd. and rollers tn all colors; also females and cages.

829 W. Thornton. CANARIES Guaranteed singers; also sT" few females. Price reasonable. 393 B'tlle st.

DALMATIAN PUPS IDEAL RIDINO ACADEMY CsllUN-651 co*ckER SPANIEL PUPPIES for sale. Lilter registered. Negl A. McCo, r. Sterling.

O. CANARIES Guaranteed singers; new siyle cages; lovebirds, female: breeders' supplies. Boyd I. 681 Bill stJE-3445. A C.

collie The Ideal Christ-" mss gift. Ssble and while, $25, Reserve yours. SH-2633. co*ckER SPANIEL PUPPIES Registered A sired by Adarea'i Big Parade, 34 E. Archwood.

PEDIGREED BOSTON TERRrEli PUPPIER 535 LAKE AV. WBARBERTON CANARIES All breeds. colorsln malea. females. Guaranteed alngers, reasonable; metal rages, stands, new, used.


M. CUSHION top HaTtmann sTaTdrobe-" trunk, $50, 934 Amelia av, UN- 3781. Wanted Used Electric Raters All Mskea 272' 8. Mam at. HE-4178 LIONEL electric train.

0-gauge streamliner: several children's games, rubber-tired doll csmsge, boy's shoe skates, slse 4: girls shoe akstes, sue set of bsr weights with hair-fllled exercise or wrestling mat; Isdy fur coat, sue 18, seal with fitch collar; all In very good condition. Also 50-lb. Icebox, aet of golf clubs with bag, medium slse trunk, condition fair. Call PA-3054 between 8 and 8 only WELLTstabLISHED "beauty equipment; doing over $100 weekly; reasonable. HE-4178; evenings UN-3252.

ELECTRIC LIONEL TRAIN, Steel bridge, 3 tunnels, lot of extra track, excellent, condition, $30; brand new guitar and case. $20 WA-8072 after 7 p. m. .38 SPECIAL, .45 frame Colt, blue-black rubber grip, excellent condition, munition, $45. BL-1838 WINCHESTERtargeti 33 model 77 scope and ammunition, like new.

Hsgenmaler barber shop, Portage Trsil, Cuyahoga Falls. BOY BICYCLE New tires; good condition. Robert Relts, Schocalog J. Box 878, Akron 7, Ohio. TWO ELECTRIC TOASTERS, one bicycle, in good condition; one ehromg cake bos.

green all-wool Wilton rug, fringed ends, 8 feet 9 Inches wide, 8 feet long, like new: 3 men's sul'i, sires 3 girls' cotts. all wool, sizes 10 and 12; lady's brown suit, sire A-l condition. UN-8317. MACHINIStSTOOL CHESTS" VERY GOOD SELECTION A. GRFISINOER INC.

1085 8 HIGH New Wall Tents, $17.40 Up ALSO USED TENTS South Akron Awning Co. 880-871 S. Main SL JE-9184 ICE SKATES, limlfed quantity, J49 and coffee maker parts tnd tools. COMMUNITY HARDWARE 783 Copley rd. JE-1834 FULlTTFNE OPFUR COATS DOLLS.

TOYS AND GAMES CANTON ROAD FURNITURE CO. Opposite Springfield Like 8T-3310 used westinghouse automatic Iron. A-l condition. HE-8523 after 8 p. m.

PHILCO CABINET RADIO. Silvertode car radio. 6-burner gas range. 4-burner coal oil stove, hot water heater for car. 338 Taylor, Cuyahoga Falls.

Piano and bench Girl's blcvele 8T-7358 ELECTS IC TRAIN, sea modeL 6' gsuae. Hudson type locomotive, whistle and tender, controller, model transformer; hopper, flat car, box car, stock car. 3 reefers, round house, ststion; 90 feet of finished solid track with outside third rail; also 132 feet of steel rail and 78 feet of outside third rail; 1 switches, road bed, ties, ballast, cement, etc. Bargain, 8150 cssh. Phone WA-7784.

WHEEL CHAIR with commode, excellent condition, $55, 318 Howe at. BL-9484 A-l CONDITION CARMEN 80-bess accordion: sewing machine, long bobbin. Call SH-7159. DOUBLE-BARREL 30-gauge L. C.

Smith shotgun, 3 boxes shells: long-range single bsrrel. HE-8718 after p. m. LIONEL TRAINS FR-0813 18 YARDS stair csrpet. never used.

nd 12 pads: new porch furniture; child a cupboard, table and chair. Ilka new: boy ersft, tool chest: girl a new rsinrnst. and cap. sire 13. 808 Letch-worth dr.

UN-3102. ZIRCON RING, solid gold, karat stone. a'hite; waffle Iron, Junior Toast-master, new; fingertip Hudson seal coat, verv good condition, size 43. $25 BL-5583 MAN PREWAR BICYCLE, fine condition, good tires, accessories, $30. 1588 Hlllcrest SL.

SH-0898. PREWAR bsby carriage; treadle sewing mschlne: riding boots; bassinet. UN-4803 STUDIO COUCH, arms and back like new: beautiful oval rag rug. 14x6: rorrelaln top table; 2 kitchen chairs: bov spring coat and cap, slse 4: msn Interlined overcost. slse 40: tuxedo, sire 38, other clothing.

170 S'orer St. FR-9485 ELECTRIC TRAIN, alarm clocks, punching bags. 10-ft. bowling alley, ten pins. Jig-saw.

HE-5M3. 983 N. Main DEMMINO deep well Jet pump with pipes; practically new. Call 615-3742 EXERCYCLE REDUCINO MACHINE, almost new: sacrifice. 3506 Benton it.

PORTABLE RECORDER-phonograph. Ilka new. C. Hihner, Cuvahoga Falls, R. 1.

east of Stow Corners to 833. north 't mile. BUE3CHER TRUMPET" $5i Unlvex 8 mm. esmera. $10: man's ramelplle coat.

Oxford grav. sue 38, 8. 114 8 Hawkins av UN-5997 STEWART -WARNER, electric range, late model, good condition, gutomatle oven. IJN-5802. PORTA BARS.

$8 95; Silex coffee seU. Christmas wreaths, window candies, tree ornaments and Christmas trees. Open a. m. to 8 p.

m. weekly. 9 a m. to p. m.

Saturdays. Lao's Swap Shop, 133 Portage Trail, Cuyahoga Falls. WA-5500. ELECTRIC washer: 3 prewar btcyelee il boy 3 girl s), balloon tires, good condition: reasonable. 2 ANTIQUES BIO REDUCTION; I days left to buy antiques from my collection: wed-nesday, Friday, Sunday, 1 to 1 p.

m. 818 W. Iichange at. (1 HOME FURNISHINGS To Insure remplete satisfaction IA readers of the Home Furnishings" column, ail dealera distinguish themselves by the use of their names In all of their ada in the 'Home Furnishings'' column. eXectRICAL appliances; glassware: 18 gauge Winchester pump gun and box of shells; .32 Remington auio-malic rule, telescopic sights.

Com- plete fist silver servire. BL-3338 nut dining room suite. IL'iO; Hudson Seal Jacket, sir. 34: Tieedlepoint piano bench, de luxe game set, ping-pong table, other household items; excellent condition. 1175 Copley Apt.

8, UN-7398. JUNIOR dining room sutte, combination highboy and desk, dining table. ST-3297. evenings or Sunday. OAK DRESSER, chest of drawerimetal i win beds, walnut dining suite.

Call FR -872(1 afier 3. BABY BUGGY Prewar Rubber Tires WA-1H44 AUTOMATIC COOLER ATOR. 7-pound meisl. 809 N. Portage Pa'h Call UN-8JS1.

SPINET PIANO, prewar living room suite, Im-o bedroom suites, dining room suite, 9x18 rug, other household goods! HE-A878 887 Crouse. "he a unt'eiH I nTn room suite. 74 Kenllworth UN -4294. ALLIED condition, year old: Zenith radio and phonograph. 1942 model.

88 N. Walnul PIECE DININO ROOM SUITE Walnut, Round Table. 2S UN -44 10 RUO." 9x Hi: leather tt scalier rugs, tl 50 esch; girl shoe ice skates, stae 4. $3: all good condition. 3805 Northland Cuyahoga Palls WA-6928.

KROEHLER" 9-piece S89 to 1259 Eesv terms 8TILWELL 8, 78 8 HOWARO ST. WOOL AND RAYON COMFORTERS CHOICE OF COLORS. 812 95 STILVYELL 8, 78 6. HOWARD ST. GIFTS for the entire end and occasional tables, occasional and lounge chairs.

STILWEl.L'S, 78 8. HOWARD ST WALNUT dining room suite, 9 nieces. 165; other household goods. Csll HE-8282. GIFTS FOR THE KIDDIES Babv walk-ers, hobby horses, upholMcred rockets, high chairs and cribs.

8TH.WEl.L6 78 8. HOWARD ST. FOR FATHERLounge chairs wood and metal smokers, 18 to $20. HOWARD ST. FOR" MOTHER SEWINO CABINETS WALNUT OR MAPLE.

88 95 STITAVELL'S. 78 S. HOWARD ST FLOOR LAMPS, a bases, fin Ished in bronie or Ivnrv. 819 95; maple bridge lamps. I8 95; isbie lamps, derorsted bsses, silk shsdes, $11 95 STILWEl.L'S.

78 8 HOWARD ST. CASH "AND" CARRY WALNUT SMOKING STANDS, $1 15 HASSOCKS, 81 29 STILWELL 8. 78 8. HOWARD ST. ODD NEW PIECES Wlnnt rolfce table, 114 25; walnut nrra- sional table.

816 95: walnut occasional table. $7 95; walnut trough able. $4 50: mahogany lamp table. $10 50; odd dmeiie chairs, walnul and mehnasny finish. $5.75: 3-plece walnut bedroom suite consisting of full slse bed, chestrobe and dresser.

$92 50; bed, chest and mirror in dull fruitwnod finish, one-piece telephone stand snd chair, $16 95: bookcase, walnut finish, double doors, $6 50: two-piece living room suite. spirng construction. $195; mahossnr dresser, as is, $3160: large walnut vsnlty. 35'i-inch round mirror. $4 50; plsy pen, hardwood.

$11 50; child velours covered rocker, $10 50. C. H. YEAGER CO. WAREHOUSE SALESROOM FounhFloor Central Garage hldg Ash st.

BEAUTIFUL living room suite! lovely -walnut dining room, fine blearhed mahogany bedroom, also walnut bedroom sui'e, 12x18 Wilion carpet, lounge chair. H. Bedaker, 446 Market FR-2444 LIGHT FIXTURES TABLE LAMPS Select your Christmas gifts while our stock is complete. We can offer you a wide variety if you shop early. Dauntless Plumbing Electric 22 E.

State FR-8109 SPECIAL PIECES FOR QUICK SALE Parlor grand Ampico piano. Walnut dining room aulte. Single Jenny Lind bed. complete Double mahogany 4-poster bed. complete.

Upholstered living room and bedroom chairs. Metal porch swing. Bsttle Creek reducing machine. Electric mantle clock. Shown By Appointment UN-1033 DAVENPORT and ehair.

good condition, tabie and 4 chairs, buffet- brown fur Jacket sire ie. $io. uas Cur-tls. PA -5430 GOOD USED BUYS Mshoganv poster bed. $18 50: large mahogany dresser.

$28 50; l-piere walnut dining room suite, $43.50. osk end table. $3 50: 3-piece walnut bedroom suite. 149 50. 4.

piece walnut bedroom suite. $59 50; kitchen cupboard, white enamel, 817 50: walnut extension table $10 50: davenport desk table $7 50. walnut vanity. $1150; Windsor chair, $7 80; wicker rocker. $4 50 H.

YEAGER CO. WAREHOUSE SALESROOM Fourth Central Oarage bldg Ash rt. THOR Gladiron Ironer wlthstandhcd and dresser; round dining table. PA-3831. 1942 HOOV ER 9WSJPER "MOD EL 80 $70 1418 WE5TVALE AV.

UN-8080 Living Room Suite Lamps. Sweeper HE-9747 PRACTICALLY NEW 8-plece modern ws-terfall bedroom suite, lnnerspring. gusranteed de luxe double roil spring Singer sewing msrhtne. Call appointment. SALE OF 3 pairs of mens skates, call Saturday at 819 Rhodes av.

or afier Saturday call UN-4828 SEWINO MACHINE, victrola. records, desk, cabinet, counters, stools, table, radio, rug Neon sign, chairs. 175 E. Market st. RUGS One 9x13.

one 3xl0 ln" condition 30 W. Mildred av BL-S27V DE LUXE late model cu. ft I brand-new living room snlles ,2 pieces eachl; new Sun-besm electric rsror: mans new ice shoe skates sire 9. prewar all-metal 844 polk av SH-7318, be- taeen a and 10 p. THREE-PIECE bedroom "sult'e "ibedcom- pietet, g-piece dining room suite.

8125. 125 Gilbert ct Cuvshoga Falls WA-8344 DUNCAN PH YFE walnut" dlningauite" pieces, perfect enrditlon: appraised at $180 for dulck sale, $110. Phone 818-2407 CHiNACABINETOSk "shelves? 8207" kitchen sink. 30x38 inches, roll edge. swivel faucet.

glOWA-Sla. Electric Relngeratorrs "Cu7Fi" Fine Shape ST-3M4 LARGE wicker doll buggy: child 5 scooter: o'her household goods. Call UN-1888 irvING SUITE 3-psrce mohair, will sell separately. 7t I. Archwood.

65 HOUSES FURNISHED SHERMAN tree-rl; 111 ehare my horn wit middle-aged eoupli; BL-1331. COUPLC TO SHARK HOME In exchange for housework and ear of two children: no objection to en child. HE-17S1. WHITE POND BEACH, Copley rd. Mod-era cottage, living room, bedroom, kitchen, bath: electric and water furnished; 140 month.

Set Mr. Bar-den. WILL SHARE modern t-room bungalow with 1 adults; everything furnished. WA-7761 after 10 a. m.

COUPLE to share home; 8. Main at. eat with lady; references; garage. Call MI-4104. 65-A RENTAL EXCHANGE WILL EXCHANGE apartment, a rooms and bath, newly decorated, east, convenient to Ooodyear, for similar apartment or house on North Hill.

Write Box C-45, Beacon Journal. 66 HOUSES UNFURNISHED CUYAHOGA FALLS; vacant Jan. lower floor of large 7-room house: you subrent second floor of 3 furnished rooms with private bath and eniranre; capable local resident only. WA-6B85. KEN MORE Large store room for living quarters; partitioned: water, aink, electric, coal stove, gas.

BL-8493. FTvlf ROOMS: no D. Lucas. Old Portage, on West River rd. 69 FARMS AND LANDS FARM FOR LEASE or on shares, about 200 acres.

Very modern home, excellent barn and outbuildings; fine equipment, some stock and crops; excellent locstion as to bus line and schools, in good neighborhood, west of Akron. Must have best of Box C-4, Beacon Journal. 100 ACRES, near Wadsworth, for dairying, general farming; good buildings; possession April 1. -UN-311R. 72-A- -BUSINESS PROPERTY WANTED Vacant garage or building wanled to rent.

Suitable for a i to 40-car garage. Call BL-0189. 74 WANTED TO REN7 WANTED! I Furnished or Unfurnished HOUSES OR APARTMENTS For WAR WORKERS Light Housekeeping Rooms! I Sleeping Rooms! I No Commission I Charged! EMPLOYES' HOUSING GOODYEAR AIRCRAFT CORP. Call E. J.

Kaufman FR-1471, Ext. 8154 Call 8 A. M. To 5 P. M.

TT.I.7.V-,-,- URGENT! Soldier's wife, daughter. 21 months, neefl i. 3. or 3 rooms, fur I mshed or unfurnished, ST-7611. HOUSES APARTMENTS LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS NEEDED FOR DEFENSE WORKERS LET US RENT THEM FOR YOU NO CHARGE CALL FIRESTONE PARK LAND CO.

HE-912! 8:30 A. M. TO 5 P. M. NAVY INSTRUCTOR, wife and daughter 6.

desire large furnished home or apartment: permanent. PA-8911 MIDDLE-AGED resl dent 38 years; permanent, emploved nights: references exchanged: desires 3-room furnished apartment, private, electric refrigerator. Write details to Box C-70, Beacon Journal. FURNISHED i or g-room" house on" Arlington or E. Market' utilities paid.

Pay up to 885. JE-7088. COUPLE with year-old child desires unfurnished rooms: private bath and entrance preferred. Call HE-69H3. YOUNG LADY "desires partly" furnished 3 or rooms and bath.

References. FR-1479 after p. m. R. official, translerred to city.

In need of good 8-room unfurnished house, preferablv located in West Hill or Cuyahoga Falls. Expect to psv $58 to rent. Contact Mr. Burr. BL-5111.

extension 14. from 8 a m. to p. an. Evenings.

Portage hotel. FAMILY OF THREE desire I or 8-room unfurnished house or apartment, draft exempt JE-1871 Room 919 TWO AIRCRAFT girls want fu. nlshed light housekeeping rooms with refrigerator. Ooodyear Heights or West Hill, on bug line: private entrance and bath. Reference.

Box B-27. Beacon Journal. I DRAFT EXEMPT MAN and wife wish" furnished rooms 1 rail HE-sasa WANTED Four to sit-room house, un-i furnished: will do osm derora'tng. i Cait Mr. Sanvpsos), gtbost UX-titt- YOUNQ aeronautical engineer and wife desire nice unfurnished apartment on West Hill; beat references.

Call BL-5753 or UN-SS56 SALESOIRL wants a small 3 or 3- mom furnished efficiency. Call Mrs. Akrtdge, Yeager'g second floor shoe department. BUSINESS "WOMAN needs 1 or 4 -room" unfurnished apartment; permanent; references, FR-0438-. WANTED, or i-room unfurnished' housa for businessman: family 2: vicinity Bsrberion or Kenmore.

Call SR-40i3, ask for Mr. Rock. 126 REWARD for g-room unfurnished house: permanent: atore manager: children: prefer West Side; 665 rlsss. HE-9111 before I p. m.

SERVICEMAN 8" WIFE and "babv" "desire-2 or 2 furnished rooms. Baby Is very good. Call UN-7844 75-AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE In Goodyear Heights, Dec. 20, 1:30 p. Very complete home.

Owner leaving stste. everything goes. Watch this space for full list Dec. 17. 18 and 19 W.

C. Keenan. auctioneer. HE-0924, WA- H. A.

FLORE, Auctioneer Akron, O. PA-2124 Van T. Bean, Auctioneer Will pav cash for your furniture or aell it for you. Day or night. Call HE-47S3 H.

R. FOGLE PEAL ESTATE AND AUCTIONEERING HUDSON. PHONE IH-K-I Perry E. Cuthbert, Auctioneer Kent, O. Phone 4014 W.

C. KEENAN. Auctioneer Will pay cash for furniture or sell It for you. HE-0924; evenings, WA-7533. AUCTION SALE 369 EXCHANGE ST.

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 18, 130 M. As mv 4 sons are in U. S. armv and my husband in the west.

I will sell entire contents of my 6-rnom home to the hiahest bidder. Contents ns follows: 2-picce living room. 8-piece dining room suite. 3 bedroom suites, complele Including coil springs: Gsin-a-Dsv washer, Cooleralor; 9x12 and smaller size rugs and pads; upright piano and bench: kitchen stove, table, chairs, pots, psns, linens, bedding, cedsr chest, some antiques chests, lamps, tools, tub. boiler, sewing machine, nice pair twin beds complete with coil sprinss; Royal eleclric sweeper, filing cabinet, electric heater, -other articles.


AUCTIONEER 77 BUILDING MATERIAL STORM SASH tnd when you buy Insulation why rot buy the best? Balssm Wool I HUDSON LUMBER. IXC. 3120 Manchester rd. SH-8818 FOR QUICK SALE SHED BUILDINO, 70x30 ONE BUILDINO, 10x18 CALL BL-3188 KINDLINO WOOD, (s load delivered. Work benches and tables.

Iron grating, plywood, marble slabs, flue liners and sewer tile, slate, wall and floor radiation, doors and windows, new 2x8. 3x8. 3x10, 2x12 1 Hotbd and steel sash: 1x2 strips for build-Ins picket fences. We mske up door and window frames. Hot water range boilers.

All sire timbers and plsnklng. Ei let Housewracklng Csnion mile psst lllet. ST-4918 DO YOUR FLOORS SAG? ADJUSTA-POST CO. 327 Campbell HE-7814 STORM WINDOWS INSULATION ROOFINO Materials and Labor We Finance OCONNOR LUMBER A -1141 Buy Mason Myx Or Cement Topping-Ready-Mixed In Bag THE J. P.

LOOMIS CO. 108 N. Main HE-814I STORM 8ASH- rock wool Insulation, board roofing, roof coating. Summit HouKewrecking 833 8. Arlington St.

"storm winTdows" all sizes for all repair jobs and chicken houses we enrry a full line of building materials. Also all kinds of plumbing supplies, building tile, sewer tlie. We deliver ACME LUMBER CO. 1053 Bank St. JE-1711 ROOFING AND SHINGLES Storm sash and doors, coal stoves, hesters and boilers, all kinds of building materials, NATIONAL LUMBER CO.

303 Eastland av. RL-3188 1315 Wooster rd N. Barberton, SH 6534 SAVE FUEL Rfdrnod storm ftah, tl 88, up. Whit pine, treated itorm nub 11.30 up. Three plect combination ttorra.

creen, windows: complett with $2 75. up. Roe Ic wool Insulation, full thickness: average home. $36. CARTER-JONES LUMBER CO.

TWD STORES TO SERVE YOU 183 CASE HE-8I88 1883 W. MARKET. UN-J018 ROOFING AND SIDING Insulated brick and stone asbestos siding, wholesale, retail. Immediate delivery. No monev down.

PER MA CONSTRUCTION CO, -114 st. HE-4143 WHITE PINE and redwood storm sssh, (1 40 and up. 100-ft. roll roofing. $1 ,15.


918 Brown st. FR-4101 SUPREME COAL CO. 51 E. SOUTH ST. BL-8111 Va.

Nut And Slack LEADER COAL CO. 1050 River st. BL-5155 Dorothy Splint, Ky. Block REX COAL CO. 1035 DUBLIN BL-5157 80 COAL TRUCKERS NEW Philadelphia coal lump.

3-inch lump. $7 ion, egg $8 50, stoker coal $8 NEWPHILADELPHIA COAL LUMP OR FOG JE-I35g AFTER Coal Direct From Mine PROMPT DELIVERY BL-4958 I FURNACES FOR SALI AMAZINO COAL HEATER (semi-automatic, tor three to five rooms, holds fire one to two daya. 849 95. Heatrolas big as a furnace.

$129 71. Curt Collins 391 S. Maple at Five Points. BL-3711. FURNACE PIPES end fittings available for replacement.

Immediate delivery. LOWES PLUMBINO 8UPPLT CO. 415 8 Main at. NE-4189 12 -ANTIQUES ANTIQUES tor Christmas Clear, colored glass: china: atands: rugs; dolls; ieign bells. PM H.

MaiaV USED FURNITURE FOR BALE 351RUBSELL BL-1548 DRESSER, chitfoniei. vanlly and benrhT double bed, complete; piano; dining suite, extension table. UN-124B. DININO ROOM SUITE, walnut, g-plere baby bed, medium site. -0891.

708 Oarfield st. Trade In your old furniture on new AKRONS OLDEST FURNITURE STORE STfLWELL 8. 7 8. HOWARD AIRWAY- SWEEPER With atlachments, $45 ST-1435 WOODEN kitchen utlhiy room heaters: box springs and mattresses, end tables and coffee tahles; sofa beds; kilchen cabinets. Canton Road Furniture Co, opposite Springfield lake.

ST-3210. FOUR lS)OM3 furniture and "coaToH-" cooking stove. From 8 to 9 a. I to 3 8 to 7 p. 8T-7118 GOOD dining room suites and cabinet radioa.

reasonable. Summit Kurnl- A VERY FINE selection of "neaTand "used-" f.irnlture. rugs and stoves. At prices that cannot be equaled elsewhere. Reasonable credit.

Heminglon, Pehr-aon Furniture 631 S. Arlington st BL-4313. VINDOWSH ADES Bung In your rollers and we will recover (hem with shade cloth while vnu wait CROFT WALLrAPER CO. 371 MAIN VENETIAN "BLINDS CUSTOM MADE EAGLE PAINT FOR FINEST FINISHES CUS1 FR I 1 Exchange HE-3233 8T-3737 WASHINO "MACHINE. dish csbinet, eleclric sweeper.

5 rooms miscellaneous furniture. HE-8068 A. RA1JIOLA No. 17 and loud" speaker, good condition; two well huilt hlph-barkcd porch brnches. one Iron walnut linish day bed.

pings complele. open lull sue; rosl ml or kerosene heater, mahogany double bed. FR-6755 84- HOME FURNISHINGS WANTED Immediate Cash No rtritf. Call hi for purchaM of any-thinn in your Ont piece or a houneful Or old (urnlttira ai Call THEKIRKCO. Corner Mstn sno Market mi RF-5187 WANTED FURNITURE ANY AMOUNT PAY CASH HE-0924 WA-7533 W.


1LF.J"!CJ1L':L Av FR-80J4 HK-9237 Cash For Youi Household fionds LEEPER S. 48 HOWARD HE-5854 EVENINGS WE NEED FURNITURE NOWI We'll psy you top cash price for one piece or a whole house full. SOKOl. FURNITURE CO 871 Exchange si. HE-87O0 QUICK CASH FOR YOURFURNITURE I buy furniture in any amount.

Immediate payments and removal. Call me first. 5 Arlington. FR-7328 CASH FOR YOUR FURNITURE Ore piece or a houseful. Jones Furniture.

PA-5310 or HL.ft.17S HIOHFST PRICES paid for 'used firm- lure. We exchange new furniture for old. Good allowances. Marvel Furniture Exchange 30 Howsrd. JE-IISll.

Highest Prlras "TO SELL YOUR FURNITURE CAM, BL-4313 CASH FOR FURNITURE Summit Furnilure 82 S. Howard FR-1811: after 7 p. HE-3573 85 JEWELRY AND WATCHES BEAUTIFUL diamond engagement rings from $19.95 lo $995 00. Specially priced. Terms If desired.

MACK'S JEWELRY, INC. 378 Main st. HE-4S38 FOURTEEN-KARAT gold "wedding rlne's, $6 and up: diamond engagement rinas, $20 and up WILLIAMS JEWELRY 34 Howsrd. Next to Moose Club 32ND DEGREE MASONIC ring dla-" mond I 80 karats, exceptional color. BL-9121 or ST-5194 86 PAINTS AND WALLPAPER Visit Our New Store At E.

Market And Case Av. For A Complele Line Of CHINAMETI. PAINTS AND ENAMELS RELIABLE FURNITURE CO. $3 7S WILL COMPLETELY REDE CO RATE an averaite sire room with ULTRA LUMINALL washable wall paint. Dries tn less thsn sn hour.

Covers paint, brick, wailbosrd even wallpaper In one coat. Comes In newest smartest colors Ask for free color chait. Carlton Coal St Supply, 1910 E. Market st MUSICAL INSTAltrTrS I UPRIGHT JEWETT PIANO $20 CALL MI-3700 UPRIGHT PIANO PLAYER "Very" good condition: $75 cssh. 1014 Shannon av Barberion.

Tnilco Cabinet Radio, $22 221W, Market HE-8391 WANTED- Pisno: will huv for rash or store tor duration, smsll studio or spinet, BEAUTIFUL ORGAN Excellent Condition CONN flat alto saxophone." practically new with rase. Csll OV-8488 after 8pm wn.L PAY-CASH for your struments. aeeordions. trumpets, savophones. elr.

UN-48S4 Box c-30, B'aeon Siandard Sire Upright Piano Good Condition. $25 FR-8883 TWO USED STUDIOS. $295 girt used small Grands 1395 up. terms. Pat'erson Co.

131 8 HigJi at LEARN TO PLAY before you buy-" Terslni-J Accordion School furnishes accordion free months: private lesson 287 Evchsnge HE-3911 CONN TROMBONE. Martin" alto exoT" rhnne. hn'h like new. Call 1985 Msnches'er rd 9 to 8 PIANOS Oranris. small studios and others at low prices.

Come here for the best selection 772 S. Main st. Fsrkard upright piano Mahogsnv: excellent condition Call GRAND PIANO AND BENCH, excellent, condition. 1838 Gienmnunt sv PA-5080 UPRIGHT PIANO Mshogany (mlsh. good condition.

$25 Call MI-3092 ftp RIGHT PIANO AND BENCH EXCELLENT CONDITION, $25 $250 aw All's; be pla'ved as natural or Hawaiian; like new. 1019 Jason av SAXOPHONE brass, gold lacquer finish, like new. reasonabTe. Just the sax for a beginner. ST-4295 "TWO PIANOS MUST SELL QUICKLY NEED THE SPACE 923 MARKET ST.

XYLOPHONE FOR SALE, like use. 400 Broad St. Phone 1222. Wadswor'h. FINE old violin: radio with beautiful large walnut csoinet lovely tone anri wrouEht iron bench to match: smsll studio hesutiful walnut all In fine condition.

WA-3229 until 1pm. wees dsvs or any time Sunday 90 SEWING MACHINES REPAIR sewing machines and Vweepr Work guaranteed. Machines bought andaoldF W. Keeier, BL-3275. REPAIRING, cleantne ajnd recor.d-tloning all makes sewing machines.

We csll for and deliver. We also buy and sell used tewirg mschine Call KIRK CO. MARKET ST ENHART E.teM-.hed Oi er 80 Vsim Expert R'ns'rs On Makes XV. iiAEKtl I 1 i I I I i i 1 SPOT CASH Tor Your Idle Sewing Machine SINOER. 42 MARKET, JE-8181 91 TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES WOODSTOCK TYPEWR ITER A-l CONDITION, $40 373t a-JiNjnv 92 WEARING APPAREL GIRL polo coat, site 12.

$5. blue coat, site 10. $:, plaid reversible. wools: party dresses, formal, skins, etc black chinchilla and gray caracul eoais, $25 each: men suits. 882 Weber, o(f Aqueduct.

FR-8408 Regulation Army Officers Overcost iShortl, Slse 36-37 Good Condition Hl-3767 BEAUTIFUL fur neckpiece, chamois lined-coal lor girl sir worker: man overcoat, boys clothes, linger-tip coat, goose down comfort. WA-4955. LADY 8 JUNIOR COAT, sire 13, with fur trim, worn only two months; also all-wool wine coat, silver fox collar, site 18 to 18. Call WA-7511. NEW uncalled-for suits, topcoats and overcoats.

$35 to $50 values, greatly reduced: all-wool odd trousers. MOORE. THE TAn.OR, 289 8. MAIN BLACK sealskin coat, size 42, like new, $65 cash. 195 Snnih block north o( W.

Market, olf N. Mnple. THREE beautiful, expensive formeTs. 9 to 11, need cleaning- reason- able. 1010 W.

Exchange at, LAP IN 18 3229 12TH ST. CUYAHOGA FALLS BLACK PERSIAN PAWCOAT. $357 l0 white (spin evening jsckei, $10. UN-8255 FOR SAI.E-One wlnler suit. 3 coats, sire 18; msn tuxedo, sire 38.

Call evenings. JE-1378. Police uniform, never used Cap and overcoat 889 Wvoming av. SH-6158 Y-S A Dr ADDTC- AT BARGAIN PRICES i Mahoganv top bar wtih msrble front, sjso back nsr. Servel electric refrigerator.

Gas stove. 4 burners, and big hot plate Sink and grease catcher. Sandwich mske-up isbie Counter wuh disnlsv shelves. Csll ST-3961 for more InlormstiOn RESTAURANT" refngeratoTT used one year, $500. Call (-1714, North Canton ll-FOOT MEAT CARE, severs'l other" pieces of equipment.

305 W. Miller v. 94 MACHINERY AND TOOLS OLIVER 70" TRACTOR One mile east of Manchester light, on Renmnger rd. Higglns. PRATT-WHITNEY; 13-Inch.

swinlTutheT 38 inches between centers, wuh gear change threading, complete with motor. Call UN-7387. MACHINE 8HOP--Equlp ped. ready-for business. Building csn be bought or rented.

Equipment for sale. JE-3898. Csll after 8 p. m. NEW and used cow stanchlona wsTer-bowls and wood ssws.

Smlih Supply Co. 1858 Front Cuvshoga Falls. WA-5440, PRECISION TOOLS For machinists, aircraft workers, mechanics Complete line. PE TT ITT HARDWARE 38 Main BL-310 NEW AND USED- raihechucksrelectrfcr motors, lo 80 h. fi punch presses, portsble cranes, emery wheel stands, drill presses, bench, shaper and milling vise! 819 ft.


D. J. EAST AKRON 80 BLSHELS large homegrown bushel and your containers. Hill-crest farm. Saturday, 3 tn 8 p.

li mile west of East Liberty. GOAT rGTlionTT5e OuarT" 885 NORTON AV BARBERTON ROUTE 224 HONEY Pur Northrrn Mtrhigan -nlrart, in 6-pound rIii jam Supply limited. A. GR1ESINGER CO. 1065 3 High.

HE-3117 FOP. SALE Timothy hay. baled or loose. Howard Cox, Clinton, R. D.

1. Barberton Southern rd. Morton Smoked Salt and Meat Seasonings ROTZUM SEED STORE 78a N. MAIN BL-91S4 96 LIVESTOCK AND SUPPLUS TWO-WHEEL TRAn.ER FIVE SHOATS, FIVE MONTHS OLD ME-3184 Wanted Hay And Straw OX-3519 PRFSH Holstem and Jersey cows." S5 head white face heifers and steers, one or the lot. First farm east of Brimfield light, on Rt.

It RARBITS. white and roloredr doei'with' young, young des a. breeding age. Call MA-22ig. THREE good Belgian mares or will trade for other livestock A B.

Brooks. 193 E. TalimSdge HE-1739 FAT HOG. 1 yesr 8 ibTT" 3 shoats weighing 80. 90 and 100 lbs.

MA-1551, between 1 and 3 m. WE PICK UP and deliver cattr loraT and long distance; no load too smsll or ton large. ME-38I7. W. J.

Gault. stock" feed" YELLOW CREEK Mil I PHONE 815-2411. GHENT. O. WANTED Old horses "for I).

Woodall R. D. Barberton. SH-onae 25 PUREBrVd Hampshire each. See Mr.

Randolph after I p. or Sunday. Hillrrest Farm, 't mile west of Ent Liberty. ROAN GEI DING, weight about UOfFlhs-Good worker. 8 years old.

$108. Hill-crest Farm, 't mile wet of East Llbertv, 3 to 8 Saturday or call HE-8588. FARM TEAM 8 "yeers." we7ght320o" cheap. Clark Corners Servire Station. 2 miles north of Wsdsworth AAA.

R. PULLETS, readv lo lay. 39c pound. State Read Hatchery. 3 miles north of Steele Corners.

O. Cov PETt IG REED NewZeaTand rabbits'-3 months Also other rabbits, 843 Allyn St. FR-9495. 97 POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 175 WHITE ROCK PULLETS 7 MONTHS OLD $1 80 EACH CALL AFTER 3 30 P. M.

SH-9866 CROt KS lto SO sllons "churns7chlck en water crocks. Rosevllie pottery, dishes. Blue Bird Pottery 316 Canton rd. Open 7 days and evenings to 9 clock. lToPUlXET 1 leT 4 pounds.

35c per pound. Turn off 91 at Cciumv Home on N. More-land, second house on left. OV-3281. CHICKETSLL KINDS 57 s.

Van Buren st Barberton PREWAR QUALITY POULTF FEED HILLCRE8T POULTRY FARM CALL MI-2829 WHITE ROCKS." RocksT hvbrid babv chicks now available wmxfoot Lake Hatchery, Suffieid, O. Phone Kent 4902. POULTRYMEN'S SERVICE Practical advice on disease problems, housing, feed aources: expert culling; production aids. It para to call us. Free phone service Phone MI-2829 "heavy- breed chicks Hstrhtrg every Monday and Thursday, Order now Portable brooder ard hen houses stock OicCsj 4sai Utitattt.

McsCort I I CUT-RATE FURNITURE PRICES! Our Christmas Gift To You! Our bargain basem*nt is Jammed solid with new. used, and reconditioned pieces. You can buy: DRESSERS for as little as $12 50 COMPLETE BEDS for only $20 00 DINING ROOM SUITES, only 8.19 50 And mere are dor.ens of other bsr-gsini. Visit the new store of the CUT RATE FURNITURE CO. 923 E.

Market Near Arlington matTressesr full" or twin sire, a real buy for only $19 95. Easy Term BEST jrURNTrURE 383 8. MAIN UPRIGHT PIANO, mahogany: dining room autle, pieces; radio. Call BH-9336. ELECTRIC IRONS utility range, mo- tors, lc skates.

Christmas tree liahts, a few all metal toys, 32 Winchester automatic. 35-28 Savage, shells with guns; oiher household articles. Electrical Appliances, 761 8. Arlington St. COAL' OR" WOOD COOK.

8TOVE87x burners and warming closet, $27.50. Evenings or Sunday. 701 E. Keni Slow Corners. "rehl's decembersale Strictly new merchandise.

Brosdloom carpels In the newest colors and patterns, 9x12 rugs, 12195, Wilton carpet, $3 95 per yard laid Open 9 a m. lo m. 1149 Lakeside at Summit Beach Park entrance. HE-0227 RUBRERLYKE MATTING J9 YARD Good lor Hall Runners. Apartments.

Cafes MAL-COS SALVAGE WAREHOUSE 378 Orleans JuM Around Corner From 8 Main and Exchange THREE PAIRS gray satin brocade, decorator made, drapes, floor length. 807 Ridgecrest UN-5440. 2PTECE LWINCr ROOM rhair. baby bathlnene, high chair. FR-2851 BED, dresser, chest, pillows, babv bss-slnelle.

gar ranee, Isdv's coat, sire 18: girl's jacket, sire 14 girls tan rsmel coal, sire 13 Man suit and trvroat. sire 40. 904 Lovers Lane, STUDIO sludio couch. This couch is a 3-cushion troe. Opens Into full st'e bed.

ONLY 19 WITH CUSHION SUPPORTS 144 i The Oeneial Furniture. Co, The Akron Furnilure TRADE-IN STORE, 3108 Mainsl. DININO ROOM and living room suites, both In good condition: cheap if sold at once. Call 8T-4I44 Or 148 Olesson av. CHILD'S roll-top desk, vanity dresser, davenport and 3 pairs drapes WA-5370: 1848 30ih Cuvshoga Falls OAK- BUFFET, kilchen rabinetgss-' range, 3 living room stands.

Csll 557 Bowerv. STAINLESS STEEL COOKING UTENSILS CAN RE BOUGHT NOW. WRITE BOX H-8 BEACON JOURNAL, FOR FULL, INFORMATION STEP LADDERS. blcvele parts snd sceessorles, baby nipples snd stove lights. Open 8 a.

m. tn 8 p. m. meekly. 8 a.

m. to 9 p. m. 8alurdavs. Leo fiasp Shop.

133 Portage Trftll, Cuyahoga Falls, WA-5500 OO" "WASHER: good condition, 3818 Wingate av. SH-4939 3-BURNER gat stove, table radio, boxing gloves, In excellent condition. JB-0981. TWIN BEDS, complete; alto bedroom suite; small folding writing desk, call Monday after 13. BL-8889 DINING ROOM, bedroom furniture," rugs.

I table model gas stove, 8-cu. ft. Frig-irislre. studio couch, other household goods 151 Work Sundsy from 1 lo 4. i mNINO "ROOM "SUITE." "four chairs.

table and oval table to match. In-i quire 725 Douglas rear. 1 COMPLETE 4 "rooms' of ln- eluding electrical good condition, reasonable. HE-0398. MOVING Kitchen sink with romblns-tion faucels, two French doors, kitchen stove, left-hsnd oven: osk kitchen Uble, drop-leaf.

333 Howe st. FURNITURE Must be sold at once; no electric sppllances. 3138 18th st after 5 ni. IMPORTED upholstered Ilallan chair and stool, fireside bench and eiool. rarved table, upholstered settee to match, excellent condlilon: large copy oil 'Blue Boy." 'Pinkie." large original Rosa Bonheur, complete set for 12 Venetian glat.

Chinese lamp 'and shade. 3 alerts, ice skates. 8 and 8: victrols, washing machine. Shown Saturdsv noon until 6 Sunday. 81 Mayfieid av.

ANTIQUE, Baluchistan, Oriental throw-rug, in rich burgundy shade, S65. JE-4807. "Our Heating Stoves Make Worm Friends" Cylinder-type stoves, hold hent 48 hours, burn lump coal, slack, or wood, $45.95. Circulating coal heater, finished in walnut grain porcelain, sizes for 3 to 6 rooms, $79.95. Duo-therm oil heaters, available for immediate delivery.

Priced low as $49.95. Other coal, oil. wood and kerosene heatina stoves in every sire snd price rente. If a ration certificate is necessary. we II help you fill it out.

SOKOL FURNITURE CO. 877 E. EXCHANGE ST. Re Sure To Visit Our Rig Bargain Basem*nt COMPLETE FED. tabletop stove, round table, bird cages and stands.

495 PERKINS ST OIL HEATER medium "sirer 115" ro 539. Akron-Canton rd near East-mooreiand. BEAUTIFUL dining room suite-like new 8 chairs, tabie and pad. buffet. 8175.

3-plere living room sulie, excellent condition, $195. WA-3658 MAHOGANY drop-leaf extension tahles with Duncan Phyfe bases, seats 8 to 14 people: matching credenra buf-fes; choice of mahogsnv rhslrs. LONGACRE'S Phone 2798S In Medina for Sunday or evening appointments: 18 miles wen of Aaron on Route 18 HEADQUARTERS" RUGS, CARPETS. RUNNERS SIEG-MAUR RUG MART 380-383-384 8 Main St. JE-8818 Free Parking In Rear of Store LINOLEUM AND CARPETS" UNITED LINOLEUM CO.

Ig Mam Salesman Will Call JE-3224 LINOLEUMS EXPERTLY INSTALLED VOLK CARPET SHOP CORNER HOWARD AND MILL STR OAK DIN INO ABLE and 8 chairs; also library table, reasonable. HI Nash BL-goos Bendix Automatic Washer -Good Condition FR-7393 DIMNO TABLE, refectorv type, tour chairs, taffeta aeata, mission finish, excellent condition. 183 E. Wiloeth rd PA-188J. OLD-FASHIONED DISHES glassware and cupware.

Call after 4 p. 349 Washington st. NEW porcelain-top kitchen table and rhairs $50: g-tube cabinet Phllto radio. $75 840 Bloomtieid av. OAK dining room suite.

820: I radiant stoves, $15 and 820. electric record player. $20. 1337 Merllne Cuya- I i I i 1 nays or Briunu wai iu iubii, nonririch- off Fxehanoe. BLUE WILLOW INN, Lorkwood Corners and Manchester rd.

Rooms, cooking: 1 child up lo 2 years old eH-0320 CENTRALLY located: furnished light housekeeping room for girls. Call BL-8481. CROU8K 612,2" nicely furnished rooms, near Goodyear, adults; near bus atop EAST 990. third floor, large room, warm: can cook light breakfast, near bus; adults. EASTLAND AV.

First floor, 2 rooms nicely furnished; adjoining bath, use kitchen, la indry; 3. 3 or 4 people; fj no ohlection to achool-sge child. FR-7298 alter 2 FULTON 85 -Four girls or 2 couples: first floor; all private; near Ooodvear. LAIRD 1305 Two rooms, second floor, sink: adults; near Goodvear. MT.v"IEW"aV..

97," WesT nlshed rooms, third floor; $30 month. MALLISON 8TT 72LadYes. lovefv-apartment. private bsth and entrance, lnnerspring: conveniences; busse: extras. SOUTH AKRON-2 comfortable rooms, near Goodrich; for adults only.

Call BL-7945. SOUTH Housekeeping room for one person: prlvle entrance, connecting bath: laundry privileges. HE-S358 THORNTON. 283 One housekeeping room, private entranre: one middle-aged man only. BL-2385.

WELLE A 779. Nort Hlli 2-7onm furnished eottage; water, elertric and gas furnished. WEST. 3 clean rooms, third floor, sink, lavatory; garage; refined emploved married couple; references. 80 Mt.

View av 1153 Delta v. Two rooms No children 62 ROOMS IN HOTELS LARGE ROOM for 2 or 3 adults: run-nlnc water: fine beds; rear Good-Tear. Strand Hotel. 1069 E. Market 8T-0139 61 APARTMENTS FURNISHED BARBERTON.

589 Fifth at. NE-Refined young lady to share bungalow home with ladv. SH-1831. fATRLA vis. 1903 8hat to "av rooms and bath, furnished, basem*nt, garage, automatic heat, phone, utilities psid.

$100. adults, references. UN-2714. MARSHALL. 38, attractive furnished apartment, 3 rooms, iceless, garage; close bus: adults.

ILL. 50 W. York-Toronms private entrance: near bus; couple or two girls HE-1184 64 APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED tfEVMORB. 1143 Welsh no small children. References required PORTAGE LAKES rooms bath, electric range, ufiiities paid, a'oker-flred steam heat: convenient to Aircraft or Firestone- $85 Call.

3 to todav. Hillrrest. la mile west of East Llbertv. FoRTAGst PATH. NT" tgrive foomsT-high-class apartment, reliable couple; references.

Inquire custodian. RICmAND CT. 891 Unfurnished rooms; clean adults only, utilities paid. TWO 3-room apartments: new brick. JV semi-modem, ground noor: private entrance.

$35 Three rooms furniture for sale MI-3273 IfODERN 1 roomi and tath: adulta cmlT. I4S. Ineulre Kra'S Piano Co Howard.

The Akron Beacon Journal from Akron, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.