The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: RIDAY OCTOBER 1 1915 4 8 ifc' Dwellings to Let Business Roonur to Let Help Wanted Women Dwellings to Let Lodgings Wanted Dwellings to Let Lost and ound A COMPETENT WOMAN VVANTED IN PRIVATE family refined and educated young lad '( STORES TO RENT OICES Wanted Miscellaneous AT THE WENDELL RONTAGE STORAGE Help Wanted Men Board and Lodgings SUITE TO LEASE WANTED SECOND HAND lawn roll er 509 Main st Robert Smith 169 MAPLE STREET Storage Rooms to Let IREPROO STORAGE PLEASANT URNISHED ROOM WITH board home privileges Household urniture RUSSELL PARSONS Lodging Rooms to Let 315 Bridge St 98 Chances for Business NEW HAYNES HOTEL TEL 4590 VERY CENTRAL 426 Worthington St 5 room flat CHOOSE YOUR APARTMENT Every household needs a kindler 9K ELLIOT LARGE RONT ROOM steam heat and meals Tel Vrt TEMPLE VERY PLEASANT expensive room Tel Ad Horses and Vehicles Business Rooms to Let Boston and Maine THOMAS WAGONS MOTOR TRUCK BODIES ARBER WANTED Mam st 14 26 DALE STREET Established 1869 Connell 30 ni one who understands repairs Tel 4920 Situations Wanted Women $28 TO RENT TEAM TEL 2930 Dwellings to Let Help Wanted Women Eggs Poultry Pet Stock Hotels HO LL ROUND COOK OR COUNTRY Board and Lodging Wanted The elnido 29 spring 5 room apartment modern adults 1st floor $3 day $14 wk 50 50 RENTS 110 to ItS Get List LATS vp to HO OMPETENT second girl at once Mrs Anderson 82 Spring st Tel 5964 40 only for personal interview Hartford Conn Sold in loads and half loads de livered in your cellar residences 120 to 175 Bomefurnsshed MAN 16 TO 1 TO START IN 1 office Carter Paper Co SEPT 27TH SPRINGIELD TO LEARN THE AUTOMO and driving only school in lessons on 1915 self starter 563 State st Springfield WARRINER 7 ROOM APART ments steam heat gas range adulta Petit Wendell ave POSITION AS' CONIDENTIAL CLERK or secretary by young married man of wide experience desiring chance excellent references Address Republican Of YOUNG LADY WHO CAN PLAY THE violin or mandolin to work in a music store in this city: a tine opportunity for the right person to learn the business and ad vance at the same time In music: salary and promotion according to ability Address Republican Office ftOMPETENT AND RELIABLE MEN OR good positions Service free Tel 4173 State ree Employment Office Largest in Western New England Dept 47 49 Water st AT ONCE EXPERIENCED 1 1 plumber cood wages McNally Thom pson viile Ct Qi LEYRED TO RENT 8 room tenement all modern most beau tiful location Tel 7777 3 4 and 5 room apartments with alt modern improvements at cor Main and Wendell Ave QO cl*tWOOD TENEMENT TEL Oiz 994 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD NEAR Magnolia ter facing orest' Park 8 upper rooms steam fireplace gas water heater gas range sleeping porch Reason able rent 1 IRGLADE UPPER' TENE ment 7 rooms steam heat sunnlles oils dressings auto polish and top dressing leather work clutch linings clippers and all parts elix Bridge st We can meet all your requirements CLINTON BUILDING MAIN STREET If you are not acquainted with the wood we furnish it will pay you to investigate its merit ROOM MODERN APARTMENT IN tr quire Corry Janitor 55 North Main st 9 LINCOLN ST UPPER TENEMENT 5 rooms adults pOURT SQUARE ROOMS Vz for 1 or 2 persons $150 up per week including use of bath Transients accommo dated 68 Court st near stopping place of all car lines A LIETIME $350 BUYS extremely profitable business: clears $40 weekly income increasing rapidly suit' any one experience unnecessary trial given con ditionally Address Republican Of fice GO TO GORDON THE OPTICIAN TO get your eyes fitted with glasses 119 State st ROOMS AND BATH SET TUBS IN kitchen shades $13 106 Malden PLEASANT URNISHED ROOM ALL conveniences including 'pnone private a 1 1 36 Rl ggold st The important question is which is the quickest to use and the most economical Attractive furnished room in quiet apartment desirable street cen tral: $275 Tel PLEASANT 7 ROOM LOWER TENE ment corner of State and Dresden sts MRS TUBBS HAS opened her 'her fur rooms at 389 Main st John Bookstore Bldg Avon furnished room strictly modern price reasonable pri vate family Young men bile repair tountry giving 255 High st Holyoke WARNER LOWER SEVEN rooms modern Telephone1 yOUNC MAN STENOGRAPHER A typist desires position references dress' Republican Office Situations Wanted Men Boom and board for old lady with refined family: orest Park sec tion preferred Box Republican Office or Sale Miscellaneous 7 EXTRA LARGE ROOMS ALL THE advantages of a private house in a cen trally located block Dr Van Allen Maple and Temple sts PRESS EEDER APPLY Publishing Co Wm TYPEWRITING MULTIGRAPHING MIMEOGRAPHING EMPIRE' MAILING COMPANY 103 WORTHINGTON ST TELEPHONE 7360 POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER BY WOM an experienced in managing a home good cook terms $3: references Address Republican Office pHAUEUR DESIRES POSITION IN Vz private family or light truck work would do other mechanical work gardening or gen eral job work best references Room 3 98 Elliot st Tel 3542 7Q VENTURA LOWER 7 ROOMS 4 modern Tel QK4 26O RANKLIN OUR ROOM apartments on 1st and 2d floors Lombard Room 322 31 Elm st ARBER WANTED OR SATURDAY 1 455 State st near Walnut st IVANTED GENERAL HOUSEWORK maid in family of four adults: good sal ry and steady position must have best of city references no objections to colored girl Address Republican Office amwix ARBOR" 143 BELMONT New building 5 room apartment steam beat hot water year round shower bath janitor service: very desirable location In quire of A Karp 719 Belmont ave Tel COMPETENT AND RELIABLE WOMEN for good positions Service free Teh 4173 State ree Employment Office Wom en's Dept 12 Worthington st 7QQ WORTHINGTON LOWER TEN 4 Otz ement 6 rooms: modern Inquire at Stable 362 Worthington st 340 Bridge St Tel 7565 SMALL APARTMENTS STEAM HEATED flats and modern tenements Get Ust of Wm Hanlon Co 310 Main st 1201 latiron 91 A PXNE 7 ROOM UPPER TENS ment steam heat all modern BEST LOCATION IN CITY 254 PEARL ST 6 roomflat now ready for occupancy Inquire at 70 Pearl St A Phaneuf Tel 5022 VERY DESIRABLE PLEASANT ROOMS to let in private home with board if de sired all home comforts and privileges 327 Bay 'T A POCKETBOOK CONTAINING tey and sum of money at corner of Main and Bridge sts inder notify Box 63 Brimfield Mass and receive reward SELECT HELP AND REERENCES promptly furnished Tel 4334 Reliable 476 Main st CENTRALLY LOCATED NICELY UR nished parlor and bedroom with private bath suitable for 2 or more 30 Maple st SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER AND table AN EXPERIENCED SALES 44 lady one qualified to buy laces trim mings and small wares: excellent position for such a party none but those who can com mand a good salary need apply All com munications considered confidential Reply to Mr Mitchell The McCuen Store Montpelier HtO OR TWO PEOPLE IN A PRI vate home bedroom and large front room with fireplace table board if desired Write A 1 Republican Office WORKING HOUSEKEEPER to cook supervise work of two maids and do mending for small family no objec tion to woman with child over three Ad dress Box 4 Montague City Mass 1 CLIORD STREET UPPER TENE XO ment six rooms modern hardwood floors throughout gas range also coal cook range with rent three car lines: all night car service $23 Apply Phelps Realty Asso ciates Myrick Bldg or 24 Clifford st (Take Catherine or Worthington st car line) A BRICK HOUSE ELEVEN ROOMSA fine location for business or lodgings 43 Vernon st Tel PAY CASH OR tlAGS METALS RUB bers and bottles Will send promptly for family trade Tel Wm Hall 129 Cedar st Agents for the amous Press for baling waste papers etc Also wire for tylug the bales TO RENT SEVEN ROOM APARTMENT all modern 462 Belmont ave Inquire upstairs or next bouse 21 Beaumont st UP TO DATE MOVING PICTURE ater at a bargain Situated on a 1Y7 WILLIAM 5 ROOM MOD XU 4 prn lower tenement BOY OR ERRANDS ONE WITH Bi cycle preferred Apply Miss leay Millinery Dept Charles Lynch 316 1 new i iences month I7IOR SALE IN A COUNTRY TOWN blacksmith shop with stock and tools electric lights nnd blower good one man shop Address "Business" 28 Republican Of fice WINDOW DRESSER STATE EXPERI i ence in full Box 1574 COOK SECOND MAIDS GENERAL girls mother's helpers 30 Oak st Tel 7408 4 AND 5 ROOM MODERN APARTMENTS continuous hot water steam heat gas and electricity: high elevation 86 Woodside terrace Tel 2057 Apprentice to learn hairdress ing Address "Apprentice" Republican Office spreader bay spreader loader rake ormics mower wagon Bateman poison double sleds etc etc Agawam ('enter Every MG SPACE In Longmeadow on Warren terrace or small amethyst brooch with baroque pearls inder call Tel 4140 and get reward manure and side rake horse heavy dump hay sprayer fertilizer Call at Carr arm thing being sold STEAMHEATED APARTMENTS All have bath steam beat hot and cold wa ter gas electric lights1 set tubs gas ranges 41 Main Street 4 rooms 43 Main Street 5 rooms 28 16 Patton Street 3 rooms 000 16 Patton Street 4 rooms Apply at office of A GOETTING 269 Bridge Street SMALL STORE ON MAIN ST NEXT TO Nelson theater Call at Room 200 264 Main st AT THE MARBLETON 3 4 and 5 room apartments with all modern improvements at cor Main and Marble Sts WILBRAHAM UPPER AND LOW er flat modern $18 and $20 Inquire 404 Wilbraham road Tel 3272 4 EDWARDS 1 DOUBLE AND 1 txt' single room meals If desired Best Apartment 7 rooms 2 baths elevator etc tVITH PRIVATE AMILY BY YOUNG man American home privileges orest Park district preferred Address pu 1 i can Office QQ ROSELAND IVE ROOM APART ment steam heat continuous hot wat er gas range electricity: all outside lights private hall Tel 3734 OQ KENWOOD PARK DOWER 5 ROOMS £3 newly decorated $20 Tel 90 HIGH 8 ROOMS MODERN CON veniences Apply 27 or 29 High st Dexter THIRD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING' Harrison Ave and Main St LOST tADY BLACK HAND BAG CON taining watch fob and keys Reward if returned to A Drug Store Six Corners Learn to earn more use your EVENINGS TO SECURE A BAY' PATH A BETTER BIG 4 SCHOOL OPENS PATH INSTITUTE AQ1 UNION STREET UPPER MOD ern large yard garden very desir able $17 Desk room heat light and use of telephone centrally located $12 month A A Republican Office Lady would like plain sewing at home children's dresses made to order Telephone 2068 BRICK BUILDING LOORS (9500 feet) NATIONAL PAPETERIE CO Orleans Street CENTRAL STORAGE WARE HOUSE HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL Ladies wanted to learn the trade Also post course and professional work taught Diplomas given and positions sought Evening classes 58712 MAIN STREET 3S84 RESIDENCE 10 ROOMS EXCLUSIVE section Hill district large rooms up to date appointments: moderate rent to adult i rn i 1 Par ticulars Box 266 VTANTED 1" AND 114" ROUND edge pine both green and dry 29 Republican Office CENTRALLY LOCATED PLEASANTLY furnished room elevator apartment Tel ST JAMES MODERN 7 room cottage 'Phone 841 099 ORT PLEASANT IVE rooms lower modern flreplace very pleasant garage if desired 'Phone A COMPETENT iOK OR GENERAL housework girl would like position in small family 189 Wilbraham ave xHESTNUT WOOD SAWED AND DELIV Lz ered for quarter half or whole cord cah ou delivery a cord Inquire Alfred Labrie 430 Mill st Tel 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 ELI COHEN 488 MAIN ST Janitor on Premises Tel 1710 Benton upper flat 5 rooms $12 Inquire 404 Wilbraham road TeL 3272 DD RELIABLE HELP URNISHED with references 30 Oak st Tel 7408 Housekeeper for first class hotel Chambermaid hotel in the city Cook and waitress for same hotel Kellogg's 14 Vernon st Tel 1260 yANTED A SITUATION AS HOUSE keeper by a refined American lady in a refined widower's home no tritlers need ap ply Box 147 Reading Mass 4 INEST 3 4 ROOM CHOICE14 modern apartments adjoining new building Also 5 and 6 room unheated apartments for $13 $1650 Thayer Tel YOUNG ELLOW TO SHARE a furnished apartment board and room 458 Dickinson st TTNDEKWOOD UNDERWOOD 417 ifth ave New York require the serv ices of several high class salesmen to call upon schools and libraries and represent their Educational Department in permanent exclusive territory: must be over 2j el educated and capable of earning from $3000 to experience in school work valuable Write stating qualifications WANTEr T0 BUY OLD EATHER beds German eather Co Box 401 City prn SCOTT ST OREST 7 ROOMS OV upper modern: steam gas range and hot water heater if desired newly papered Tel or rent hill section several rents of 4 rooms and bath: only $12 per month Hawley Locke 381 Main st TiWO URNISHED ROOMS MODERN conveniences with a private family on State st near St James ave men only Republican Office AND WIE AS IRST CLASS CHEv' and pastry cook: strictly temperate Ad dress "Independent" Republican Office MARBLE HALL HOTEL HOLYOKE MASS European Plan RATES 75 CENTS TO $150 EXCELLENT CAE CONNECTED VVANTED PHOTOGRAPHER: YOUNG man willing to travel: gallery ex perience not necessary also a photographer who has had some experience in commercial work Apply to Gray The New Haynes Hotel between 5 6 mx 8 9 a VVINCHESTER CHAMBERS LARGE light looms care tight and bath special section reserved for women Reed Realty Trust 786 State st Tei 8230 ARNESS COLLARS SADDLES BRI dies and all strap work sponges chamois ah kinds of etc Stewart Barellle 94 TARBER WANTED 80 MAIN STREET tA South Hadley allifi THE thor oughfnre in New Haven having 600 seats two machines fans piano and long lease etc Can be bought right for cash only Howard 39 Center st New Haven Ct SNN1SH GIRL LOOKING OR POSITION as housework or chamber maid Address Mrs Korhonen 16 place XrODERN 7 ROOM COTTAGE ADULTS cl good location near Winchester Park Address "Quaint" Republican Office Pope twin motorcycle in good i condition: price low Inquire 14 School st Westfield SARGEANT ST 4 ROOMS STEAM41 heat hot water janitor service Tel i BOX MAKER Thoroughly experienced bench hand on high grade work onlv No other need apply NA TIONAL PAPETERIE COMPANY Orleans Street COURT SQUARE HOTEL A GUYER Prop STATE ST COURT HOL'SE PLACE European service Rooms $L0 up Popular Prlced Luncheon 1130 a and after yxrANTED IMMEDIATELY MAN OR rough carpeuter work 150 State st 5 ROOM APARTMENT SPLENDID Lo cation new buidding 216 Pearl at now ready for occupancy most modern concen ieuces steam hot water tile bathroom showers individual front porches tor res ervations apply A Karp 719 Belmont TeL OR SALE ROOMING HOUSES ALL sixes all prices some of the best in the city Prices right Inquire without delay Sheridan Room 414 31 Elm street Tel 4599 IlVAMED BY TWO MIDDLE AGED bachelors (brothers) competent woman su working housekeeper who Is a good plain cook and willing to take full charge of a bouse and live in pleasant town near Spring field connected by trolly house with ail modern improvements ten walk to car line good wages a pleasant home and permanent position to right party Address giving particulars with references lors" Republican Office A EMPLOYMENT DEPT Tel 3320 Lxp shoe salesman $15 wk Good tracer on draw ings Carpenter with mtg concern Gasoline engine operator Night stable man with ronl octntp firm Boy 17 19 to learn cabinet making 124 15c hr stenographer 12 wk Driver on laundry team $15 wk up PRACTICAL NURSE WITH GOOD RE erences wants position as attendant companion fo invalid elderly or blind person AUCTION HORSES HARNESS and WAGONS every TUESDAY at 130 rain or shine This is the time that buyers and sellers meet at tbe West Side Stable and Auction Mart foot Meadow street West Springfield Mass If you want to buy or sell be there without fail Large assortment nt all times Re member that my guarantee and conditions are the fairest in tbe country Commission only 5 Private sales daily ROST Prop and Auctioneer Ti I 5901 TyrANTED POSITION AS IIOUSEKEEP er or cook Address 41 Taylor st Hol yoke dunmoreund ave upper sev Ov en room apartment: all modern Dn Andrews 31S Main st DRY PINE Makes Best Kindler By a young lady position as com panlou or housekeeper for elderly couple city or country Address Repub lican Office OREST PARK 4 ROOMS AND BATH all modern 'Phone TWO UPPER 7 ROOM MODERN TENE ments 14 and 20 Gunn square: rent $23 Keys at A 162 Northampton ave BY and orinratprl ronnfr Indv large steam heated front room with tele y'hone and piano In house preferred Tele phone 1940 Office 1 At) NEW 7 ROOMS UP 103 per desirable Inquire 6 Mapledell YA SALESMAN I in Wash Goods dept Inquire of England Bros Pittsfield Mass BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ARE MY specialty If you nre looking for a sa loon hotel coal grain job print moving picture theater milk route grocery meat confectionery dry goods cigar tobacco news drug or general store I have It: every proposition that I recommend will stand closest investigation Remember If what yon want advertised here It Is on my list at the office To save yourself time and trouble do well to Try einer irst 244 Main ROSELAND ST LATS 5 RMS CHEAP 19 Cliftwood st lower fine location 156 Harvard st single 11 rooms 50 Dawes st upper 14 Wilcox st 4 room flats 37 Warriner st very pleasant flats 242 ort Pleasant 6 rooms good 593 State st desirable upper rent Dwight 25 Harrison ave AMBITIOUS MAN LOOK! $350 buys extremely profitable business clears $40 weekly income increasing rapidly: suit anyone: experience unnecessary trial given conditionally Address A Re publican Office 91 A UNION ST JUST ABOVE SCHOOL t)Xv st private family steam heat home comforts QAz UNION RIDGEWOOD APART jUD ment 4 rooms modern Tel 6700 Telsphone or Write Tel 3586 WEST BOX CO 225 Liberty St capable of taking complete charge of the dining room in a high grade boarding house The proposition at the present time is on a splendid paying basis or the right woman a permanent income is assured References given and required In answering give full particulars as to previous experience nnd ca abilities Give telephone number Box Republican Office TTPSTAIRS TENEMENT 5 ROOMS ALL modern Inquire 50 Longmeadow Cen ter Q1 WILBRAHAM 7 ROOM TEN AXo ement steam heat $25 Hovey 52 High st Tel 3226 W' "49 UNION 5 ROOMS: HARDWOOD floors gas electricity range boiler Inquire 41 Orleans TTOR THE dairy for the quarts) come and to deal with you Hills Tel 555 uller Bldg Cor Main A Bridge Sts EDW MURPHY CO SUMNER NEW APARTMENT BELLE 3d and 4th floor Sutnher Ave $35 each 1st floor Sumner Ave $30 ou ana 4tn 1st and 2d 3d and 4th 1st and 2d 3d and 4th EDW MURPHY CO uller Bldg Main and Bridge Members of Springfield Real Estate Board AND MODERN URNISHED APARTMENTS 2 3 and 4 rooms arranged for HOUSEKEEPING rom $400 to $1000 per week A BUCKLER 356 BELMONT AVE 9f MONTMORENCI 3 ROOM APART ment $20 Tel 2918 or inquire Janitor IRST CLASS NEW APARTMENTS 5 and 6 rooms 574 Chestnut st corner Bancroft st Tel OQ OZARK ST OREST PARK DIS Upper tenement of 5 rooms adults preferred pa AVON PLACE 5 ROOM $30 33 High street 4 rooffi apartment i 1 rrI OTOgW XV Hovey or Space and Terms Apply to RICHARD HILTON Building Manager ROOM 310 CARR BUILDING 25 HARRISON AVE ACSIMILE LETTERS Our acsimile Typewritten Letters are business getters They defy detection Mail ing Lists compiled Addressing done TWO GIRLS TO WORK AS cook nnd second girl in private family must have good references good wages paid to right help Apply by letter or telephone to Thompsonville division Mrs Keeney Somersville Ct RELTABLE MAID OR GEN eral housework must be good cook Ap ply after Oct 4th Mrs Charles Reid 334 St James ave City A MAN ON A ARM GOOD milker can get along with a boy if he could milk A Lee Hampden Mass WANTED A THOROUGHLY EXPERI 11 enced salesman for draperies curtains and kindred one who is capable of "acting as assistant to buyer Reply giving full particulars references to present WANTED WINDOW DRESSER ANDV Card writer Hindie Druggist Bridgeport Conn 9 ROOM URNISHED $23 TO $29 3 room furnished $25 to $29 4 room fur nished $30 to $32 2 3 and 4 unfurnished $20 up Rent includes table dishes kitchen utensils linen telephone vacuum cleaner Apply to Reed Realty Trust 786 Stat st Tel 8230 Hotels in Massachusetts and Connecticut Investigate this one 32 rooms bar dining room lunch room and bottling department all goes with hotel in busy Connecticut city 10 years lease rent $107 month Get busy and see Cleary 414 Main Room 1 Tel 152 Q7 SPRING PLEASANT ROOM with or without board references TN I0NGMEAD0W A COTTAGE HOUSE of einht rooms with all modern improve ments Telephone and post employment and salary desired or call ISV CX4 1 Lt Wk VZ AN EXPERIENCED SCOTCH German or Swede girl for general house work Apply 309 liolvoke National Bank Bldg or Tel Holyoke PLOVER HILL ARM HEATH MASS Registured Guernsey May Rose and Sheet Anchor strains 15months: good size ARRANGE ALMOST NEW OR SALE $800 Tel BY HIGH GRADE OICE MAN WITH executive ability good correspondent bard worker good habits best references vjth cood concern where there is chance to demonstrate ability: would start moderate salary will go anywhere Address "High grade Republican Office MILK ROM MY winter lat present ISO see me and I will try A Brown eeding VVANTED THOROUGHIA' EXPERT enced cook for college house Realty Employment 225 High st Holyoke Tel Mature man 15 business experience accounting and executive de sires permanent position in Springfield or vi cinity 1 Republican Office THE BEST QUALITY ROM OUR TRAP ROCK QUARRIES AT WESTIELD MASS urnished in suitable sizes for concretebuilding of all kinds macadam and otherDeliveries by C'rall to all points on Boston and Albany Boston and Maine (C Divl (Northampton Division) JOHN LANE SON Inc BOX 1477 SPRINGIELD MASS Telephone Westfield 630 EDW HAMBLEN 318 Main St Members of Springfield Real Estate Board WANTED IN BOILER SHOP A GOOD layerout on tanks and a variety of light and heavy plate work State salary expect ed reference and age Box A Re publican Office POSITION IN BOOKKEEP ing or stenography or both combined Address A Republican Office GROSVENOR 3 ROOM LOWER Ov apartment: will be vacant soon rent $15 per month Inquire on premises wanted for Saturday ID Apply 16 East Court st Barber wanted for Saturday at 612'ij Main street HOTEL GILMORE ALBERT SMITH Mgr European Plan 75c and upward Special rates by the week CAE AND DINING ROOM SINGLE ROOM $6 10 16 18 18 1819 20 25 21 TO LET ON HILI SPLENDID 5 ROOM apartment modern fine new Tel PARK ST WEST SPRINGIELD lrnnm tenements spieuaiu Stucco building most modern con ven now reafly tor oecupauiy Tel 4370 AT THE VAN DER HEYDEN WINCHESTER SQUARE Learn to earn more use your EVENINGS TO SECURE A BAY PATH A BETTER POS1TION BIG GER EVENING SCHOOL OPENS SEPT 27TH BAY PATH INSTITUTE SPRINGIELD )R 50 NEW SQ EDGE boards used for concrete form: $12 per Dirigo Cons 458 Mill st Springfield Mass KNABE CONCERT GRAND PIANO SUIT able for hall or school 123 Hanco*ck street Telephone I OST GOLD LOCKET INITIALS Reward if returned to 107 College THE PRICE LEE CO Telephone 5620 279 DWIGHT STREET TYPEWRITING Multigraphing Mimeographing acsimile Typewritten Letters a Specialty 374 MAIN 3415 r'lIAUEUR MECHANTC A COME Cz tent reliable young man total abstainer with four years' practical experience de sires a position where owner takes pride in the up keep of his ears without repair shop expenses highest references Address Chaf feur 26 Republican Office 3 AND 4 ROOM MODERN TENEMENTS $13 and $14 173 Wilbraham are a 5 room tenement 632 Union Tel PULLETS OR SALE White Wyandotte White Leghorns Barred Plymouth Rocks Some laving ISKE'S POULTRY ARM 891 Wtste ZX St Springfield Tel THE CHATEAU ELEVATOR APARTMENTS 1 31 MAPLE ST COR TEMPLE Under the direct supervision of the owner 2 room suite furnished if desired MRS DAVIS 3406 7K BEAUMONT ST 7 ROOMS MODERN reasonable if takeq at once Tel 9223 Rooms $100 upward Rooms $125 up with Bath few permanent guests accom modated SPECIAL RATES 1 ALL ROUND COOK HOTEL $50 1 JL 1 elevator boy hotel $20 2 waiters (white and colored) $20 2 engineers 2d and 3d class $16 $13 3 farm hands good places 825 EMPLOYMENT CO 2 Walker Building 476 Main St 4333 4334 Established 1899 DRIVING BUSINESS AND HARNESS Reliable Qualities Largest Assortments Lowest Prices COLLARS Renairing nnd Making to Order leather work of All Kinds Direct Entrance Uvnchon Street ORBES WALLACE piNE 4 ROOM APARTMENT ALL MOD ern improvements The Delmar 50 Wal nut st Dillon 789 State st Tel XX 57 HAYDEN 5 ROOM TENE ments upper and lower floors Lombard Room 322 31 Elm st ront room very pleasant steam heat hot water and electricity 117 High st Tel 4706 622 Mnin St store 'well situated 658 Main St store great size STOREHOUSE AT 121 Monroe st for furniture DWIGHT 25 Harrison Ave rUNEMENT SIX ROOMS TO AMERI can' adults at 848 Worthington st Inf uvire of Seth Barlow lb3 Spring st or 8o0 Worthington st $16 CENTRAL REAL ESTATE CO (476 MAIN STREET MAIN ST 431 Main St 2 rooms 67 Seventh St 6 rooms upper 49514 Sumner Ave 5 rooms upper 585 Chestnut St 6 rooms upper 37 Mansfield St 5 rooms upper 75 Bryant St 6 rooms half house 50 ranklin St 5 rooms heated 25 Margaret St 4 rooms heated 1584 North St 8 rooms lower 16 Hiawatha St 7 rooms upper 14 Palmer Ave 6 rooms half house WM HANLON CO 310 Main St WANTED DRESSMAKING BY THE day Tel 7436 I LORIDA ST HAL HOUSE 9 108 sunny rooms modern: strictly residen tial Tel 2791 rpHE MAPLES SANATORIUM OR IN vallds elderly people and convalescents 1656 Main st Longmeadow Tel If? WOODSIDE 8 ROOMS IN good shape electric light1 near car line large lot small fruits: desirablie Tele phone 4936 or 3(4)0 TJARBER WANTED 3 NIGHTS AND SAT 'J urdiy: good pay 586 North st IVANTED TWO HUNDRED LABORERS wages 17'4c per hour for railroad con struction work in Massachusetts Apply to John Marsch Railroad Contractor South br'dge Mass Young lady wishes office posi tion 'knowledge of shorthand typewrit ing and bookkeeping four years' experience best of references Address "Office 28" Re publican Oflic 7T crescent shaped mosaic pin LLj OD High State or Walnut sts Reward for return to Miss Hooker 117 High st Household and office furniture of all kinds also antiques and feather beds Will positively outbid any other buyer urniture Co 583 585 Main Tel floors Sumner Aye $29 each floors Court $28 each floors Court $27 each floors Court $25 each floors Court $24 each RANK DUNLAP Stearns Bldg: OICES AND STORES Ready for Occupancy About May 1st 1916 High grade stock and bond salesman of integrity with good record can connect with proposition offering guaran teed 8 Preferred Stock Long established going concern Equitable Q7 MARBLE ST MODERN 8 ROOM UP e) i per tenement: barn if desired A PLEASANT SUNNY TENEMENT 71 Sorrento st to rent 'Phone Before the all Rush Begins Our 2 room suites with kitchenet and bath furnished or unfurnished offer comfort and convenience in a fire proof building at a low rental Eleva tor service REED KAYNOR 786 STATE ST TeL 8230 T'OUR ROOM apartment modern ercep? hat $13 Tel 3673 evenings TO RENT Very Desirable Store in the TAO II GODDARD CARRIAGE JU good as new cheap Otto Baab 21 Elm street TaOB SALE ACCLIMATED HORSES Ar weighing from 2700 (o 3000 lbs per pair Bissell Graves Co Suffield Conn Telephone Windsor Locks TO LET Centrally located apartments the best in the city 4 rooms and bath $28 4 rooms kitchenet and bath new $33 $35 BLISS STREET 8 rooms half house newly decorated only $30 Can rent enough rooms to pay the rent NEAR PYNCHON STREET 12 room house will be vacant Oct 1st Good rooming for some one Rent $45 SHERIDAN ROOM 414 31 ELM ST By reliable parties boarding or rooming house partly or fully fur nished: references furnished Address Republican Office or sale barber' shop tobacco and newspapers at orest I'ark Ad dress Barber Republican Office can show some bar galns in carat sizes red Ladd 1 Room 7 432 Main st or sale thoroughbred Chester white pig six weeks old Woronoak arm Westfield OICES SALESROOMS MANUACTURING SPACE STORAGE LOTS STORES AND WAREHOUSES Heat Power and Elevators furnished Very centrally located SPRINGIELD POWER' ASSOCIATES Willis A ord Treas and Manager Telephone 25 Office 33 LYMAN ST CED SALESMAN TO CALL trade Box 1574 VICELY URNISHED LARGE RONT room to permanent business man 533 State st A PROTESTANT GIRL OR general housework willing to go to Bos ton for the winter two in family Address 30 Orchard st Greenfield Mass A ONCE GOOD STRONG GIRL OR cA general housework Apply 73 Crystal ave OR rent IRGLADE AVE Desirable 12 room house furnished or unfur nished MALLORY 318 Main st Tei 9090 TWO IRST CLASS COAT 1 makers Walter Bugbee 356 Main st 20 MEN EIGHT MUST BE 50 AV years or over also 10 boys and 5 girls from 14 15 years for "Back Home" Apply Monday at Stage Entrance Court Square Theater WOOD OR IREPLACE STOVE OR furnace white birch kindlings chestnut pine hickorv oak and other native lumber on hand Bills sawed to order: all kinds of posts Bartholomew 5674 HOUSEKEEPER PRIVATE AMILY $7 1 all round ook for hotel $7 1 waitress for hospital $2o 2 experienced second maids $6 5 $4 26 general housework maids $6 Other positions coming in during day RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT CO Walker Building 476 Main St Tbone? 4333 4334 Established 1809 URNISHED HOUSE Good location Inquire CHAS SEXTON Cor State and Walnut Sts riAKLAND ST? UPPER MODERN NEAR orest Pirk and library Bristol st new lower steam heat Willard ave upper lower modern chance for 2 families to live together Hawley Locke 381 Main st SELECT HELP REERENCES UR nished Anderson Agency 82 Spring Tel 596 1 Q9 TEMPLE URNISHED ROOM central location Telephone TTSOR BAKERY BUSINESS AND I equipment $300 a profitable proposi tion Ad dress Bakery Rei 1 1 1 1 i a Office HAVE OR SALE THREE 3) DRUG stores or particulars address Security Investment Co 42 Church st New Haven Conn MONTH PAID RAILWAY MAIL ez clerks Examinations announced Jau 15tb Sample questions free Write imme diately ranklin Institute Dept 163H Rochester ITV IGHT CLERK OR HOTEL LOCAL position Counter man for lunch local position 2d cook restaurant out of city Kellogg's 14 Vernon st Tel 1260 RESH EXPRESS 28 28 riUrtoiSo 1 Arrived to day ranging in weight from 1200 to 1700 pounds' HICKS BROTHERS HOLYOKE OR SALE PAIR IRST CLASS MULES too light for my work Inquire at the Eaton farm East Loncmeadow Address Connors Ludlow Mass No 2 Horse 1250 pounds sound work anvwhere change of business causes sale 123 Hanco*ck st Telephone TO RENT IN CHICOPEE 104 GRAPE st seven room upper tenement modern $22 79Q BELMONT AVE UPPER NEW $23 ssz 134 Bay st upper and lower gas ranges and heaters oak floors $30 40 Locust 6 rooms steam heat $28 Lampson 310 Main st Tel 4548 ELMHURST IREPROO APARTMENT HOUSE 539 State St opposite Benton Park An ideal winter home' Every modern con venience for housekeeping with all the quiet of a single house sound proof unsurpassed views from roof Elevator and janitor serv ice Apartment now ready all outside rooms Tel 5722 QUINN TORE NT APARTMENTS EVANS COURT 24 Winthrop St RANK DUNLAP Stearns Bldg.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Article information

Author: Delena Feil

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Views: 5395

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.